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  • Germany: NOTUS always pays 0.2 ct/KWh for PV in Germany

Germany: NOTUS always pays
0.2 ct/KWh for PV 

We welcome the opportunity created by federal and state legislators to allow residents and municipalities in the vicinity of ground-mounted photovoltaic systems to participate in the value added by these systems. We have decided to make use of this option in all German ground-mounted photovoltaic projects. 

In concrete terms, this means 
We will always pay 0.2 euro cents per kilowatt hour actually fed into the grid in all ground-mounted photovoltaic projects realized in Germany and operated by us to the residents and municipalities entitled under Section 6 EEG. 

If there are statutory obligations to make payments to residents and/or municipalities in individual federal states, these are decisive. If our resulting payment obligation is less than the 0.2 euro cents per kilowatt hour fed into the grid, we will of course pay the difference. 

Payments are made from commissioning until the end of the operating period, provided that such payment remains legally permissible.

