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Stoner rock : une introduction

Présentée et conçue par Andreas Johann


Lista pour l'émission du 26 Août 2024

A million miles away - Rory Gallgher
I won´t stop - Colour Haze
Heavy Like a Witch - All Them Witches
Hebetation - King Buffalo
Comfortably Numb – Graveyard
Ghost in the Machine - Dawes
Bulls - All Them Witches
Warming Up - Jon Sullivan Band
Uluru Rock - Earthless
Beginners Guide to suicide - Orange Goblin
Stray Bullit Woman - Greenleaf
Stone Mountain Blues - Youngblood supercult
Gardenia - Kyuss
God is in the radio - Queens of the stone age
Damned Rope - Wet Cactus
Peace, Brothers & sisters! - Colour Haze